lucifer very very very 1st

a weekend of lust

a weekday is a weekday of lust

a weekday is a weekday of romance

a weekday is a weekend of a weekend lust

a weekday is a weekend of a weekend obsession

obsession is a weekend of obsession

obsession is a weekend of lust

love is a day to day obsession


love is a day to day romance

a day to day is a day to day obsession

a day to day is a day to day romance

a day of lust is a day of romance

a tale of love is a tale of the day

a tale of love is a tale of romance

a tale of love is a tale of lust


the tale of the day is the tale of obsession

love is the tale of the day

love is the tale of romance

lust is a tale of lust

lust is a tale of obsession

a weekday is a weekend tale

a weekday is a weekday tale of love