Jon Nakapalau

poetic reflections #1

perhaps the \'zombification\' of pop culture is the extreme reflection of terminal objectification of the \'other\' - 

- once dead all categorical differences \'die\' with who that person \'was.\' - 

- \'we\' are able to justify \'our\' extreme violence (which is framed in the context of our survival) - 

- and \'they\' no longer have a say in a world where the dead out number the living - 

- which could be called the \"Stygian Flood\" because the dead wash back to the shore of the living - 

- or perhaps \"The Macbethian Dam Breaks\" where all torrents of blood rise above the waist - 

- ultimately it may just be our collective desire - 

- When Love Runs High - 

- only for those who were loved before - 

- \"Après nous le déluge.\"