Michael Edwards








Enduring visual art created

by activity  expressed

in metal, clay , in wood and glass

in paint, in stone, in objects placed.


Created and uniquely viewed

the definition clear precise

and any work that’s so produced

will bear the label ‘Work of Art’.


There is much controversy about what constitutes a work of art. Some argue that a pile of bricks, an unmade bed, and a pissoir are not works of art and this sparks a debate which can cloud discussion about the actual merits of the work. It seems to me that if we can accept a definition by which we can immediately identify whether something is a work of art then we can then move on and debate the work without being consumed by matters of technicality. I have researched many definitions but they either fall short of what is wanted or are too unwieldy to provide something simple which is without ambiguity and easy for all to understand. I have, therefore, come up with my own definition which may not be perfect but at least it works for me and enables me to think more clearly when appraising pieces of work. My definition is as follows:

Visual art is the conscious outcome of creative activity expressed through a visual medium such as painting or sculpture or through the assembly of objects to create a unique viewing experience. Any work so produced will be a work of art regardless of how it is received.