Now look - don\'t some people
Take baths or showers?!
Do they know what soap is?
And the state of some public loos?
It\'s like walking into a nightmare!
And - urgh - some still don\'t
Wash their hands after using the loo
But we don\'t know people\'s situations
Yet I smelt a smell recently
One of the worst I had ever smelt
Like rotting flesh
I nearly retched
Worse than the sickly-sweet smell
Of some foreign restaurant up the road
Maybe the poor person had some infection or something
But a most unpleasant \'hum\' around him
And I don\'t mean he was singing!
I had to get out of that shop quick
Fido was spared the smell
He had to wait outside
(He\'s non-existent really. heehee)
Yet could we befriend such?
Only if we had a gas mask on, methinks!
You would have to experience it to know it
I can\'t send you the smell
But it was an \'18+ smell!\' Woof!!
I never want to smell such smells again!