Poetic Dan

What could I learn

Today I really wonder what information would I absorb from a breastfeeding class!


Although being a father is not new, ask for help and knowledge on these matters is.


Between HypnoBirthing and now this, one things rings the same. Plus the feelings from my own experiences


Stress, fear and panic have the deepest affects for baby and mum. What a female body does is incredible stuff, all the tools for her should of come from generation to generation.


Nothing I have heard over the last month comes close to what we show ourselves, be it from T.V or doctors that only have guidelined views.


As babies we naturally know what to do and how to achieve it, looking for food and feel safe. Our bodys naturally move mimicking these future actions, if this does not get what is needed for us then we resort to our last option. Calling out with a noise that can not be ignored, a cry.


Although this is for both, feeling safe will come before feeding. Nothing in this world will eat when under stress or fear and if it does, this will result in panic eating with plus digestive problems.


In all of this is so much more information that I could write but if I could truly now, tell myself something way back when or to any that are struck in what ever you maybe.


It would be, calmness and patience will truly change many things. Never stop asking questions or looking for answers that feels right. Not one person has it completely but each soul was built for this life.