Poetic Dan

Rant or opinion it\'s my dominion

I may go in there one more time but it will just be to give this rhyme


I grew up with a saying that said get some Dutch courage, if not you can always drown your sorrows


For many years alcohol filled my laughter and tears, even though I saw it destroy childhood family affairs


On my 21st birthday I blacked out drunk, unable to remember all the things that I\'d done. This was the moment that I recognised and felt the true power of this drug


I don\'t write it much, maybe this will be my only one. About my choice of medication, to help me deal with social anxiety, anger and depression.


No matter what I\'ve done, how much love and forgiveness is in my heart. For my choice of medication, many will look down on me or not even let me enter their domain.


In honour of this hypocrisy my spirit can not remain, silent of this killer drug that openly celebrates messing up the brain. Waiting for the day that body can no long filter liquid poison, because we are told its our only none illegal option.


For this reason and more, I\'ll remain in many eyes a drugged up outlaw. But from my view point, I\'m am so much better off.


Never to have to listen when drunkenness takes over thoughts, or so wasted unable to walk. Can\'t control speach volume but worst of all, not feel the rage that it can transform.


I am truly thankful for lifes constant inspirational lessons.