
Wilted body

I get stuck upon a negative thought

which then Digs its way in threw battered cracks

And rests itself upon salted open wounds.

Which then causes a crippling affect

That attracts all sorts of self hate

Leaving me dwelling in such an  unresponsive state.



Upon that negative thought rests another and another and another.

Until I am drowning in a sea of negativity.

Grasping at any little happy thought hidden beneath the cracks they haven’t yet reached.

Searching for the positive beneath the negative Is crippling, its choking me.

The air it no longer wants to fill my lungs.

My heart no longer wants to pump the blood around this wounded and cracked ridden body.

My eyes no longer see a future only a painful destiny.


So as the cracks deepen and the wounds lay open.

The self hate buries itself so deep that not even love could treat.


This wilted body of defeat.