Alexa Pineda

To My Light

I write this knowing you will read the words and never understand them.

It\'s OK,

I am not sure I understand either.

Just stay on the page with me and read between the lines ...


What can I do? 

During a time between you and I,

the fire took over me;

Its flames suffocated me 

But I did not die ...

it simply became a part of me.

I became wild,




Oh, what can I do? 

There is smoke around me, it gets hard to breathe.

The fire consumed me and

its flames forever dance in the pupils of my eyes.


What can I do?

I join the flames in their dance. 

Everything burned,

it burned bright;

but everything was also so dark. 


Until one day, it was not.

In the midst of the flames and ashes, 

I saw a light that warmed even the fire in me.


Oh, what can I do?

I spread my wings and flew to it.


Unlike Icarus,

the light did not burn me;

for I was already on fire. 

When I reached the light,

it did not burn me

but warm my heart.


That light was you.