

I saw her once

I only caught a glimpse

But I saw all I needed

In that one instance


A woman, not a girl

Ready to tackle the world


She was draped in strength

And armed with wisdom

Grounded in grace

Engulfed by her vision


Her pain was her teacher

Her fear was a guide

Her mind was her weapon

Her words were her fight


Humble was her heart

Warm was her smile

Change was her art

And fearless was her style


Boldness broke through bitten tongues

Balance kept her light and young

Mistakes turned to lessons under her sun

She wore them like a necklace, proudly strung


Envy never knew her name

She lived above its weighted shackles

She took no part in silly games 

She was too busy roaming her castle 


I saw her once, just a quick look

And she was a sight to see

As I gawked, I thought I saw

Just a little bit of me