Tune: Engelberg
(\'All praise to thee, for thou, O King divine\')
Light shine upon us, scatter all our night
And make our pathway ever clear and bright
Looking to you, Light of the world you are
And glorious Morning Star
Safe shall it be to follow in your way
Help us leave self, follow without delay
In your way, you Christ, who have gone before
We worship and adore
You shall guide us and teach us, we behold
You by faith, and we the sheep of your fold
Good Shepherd, we shall trust, and hear your voice
And so in you rejoice
Comfortless you will not us leave, but send
Your Spirit, He to us your aid will lend
Will teach us truth, the things of God reveal
And humanity heal
We turn to you, we pray where need may be
in your love, mercy, look on us, and see
Answer how best shall be within your will
Do abide with us still
Not seeing me, not self, but only you
May others see Christ in me, ever true
For salvation be sole in Him alone
He does for all atone
Light eternal shall shine, and ne\'er shall fade
\'Til fine beauties in your kingdom arrayed
We all at last full see, \'tis by your grace
We shall e\'er view your face