Kurt Philip Behm

The Verse Unknown (+5)

Married to the sacred word

Committed to its ideal

Betrothed to sworn fidelity

Divorced from the unreal

My wedding duly prearranged

All children heaven sown

I copulate each solemn vowel

—and spread the verse unknown


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)



Hawks Into Doves


Why do I like things

I can’t agree with


Why do I listen

when I don’t want to hear


Why am I attracted

to things that repel me


Why are my reasons

more muddled than clear


Why do I often

begin at the ending


Why do I hurt

the people I love


Why are my questions

confused by my answers


Why do my hawks

—always turn into doves


(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2019)



And Be Gone


You’ll know when its time…

you won’t fight it

or struggle,

you won’t lie to yourself

—or try to hang on


You’ll let everything go

as it’s time to unburden,

your mind and your spirit,

your heart

—and be gone


(Presbyterian Hospital: July, 2019)





Hopes & Wishes


No one knows anything…

it’s just hopes and wishes in the rain


(Dreamsleep: July, 2019)



Words Endeared


Over the years,

and all the times I’ve cried


Through all the tears,

remembering the lies


One thing was clear,

as truth laid claim again


Whose words endeared

—remain my only friends


(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2019)




The Deadest End


The finer you draw your measurements,

the further away you fall


Each number squared and time compared,

deafens out the call


Your techno-dialectic,

data piled upon itself


A trash heap at the deadest end

—where folly stacks unfelt


(Haverford Pennsylvania: July, 2019)