After so much time I let you in
After several betrayals I let you in
My heart accepted any words you spoke
My heart wanted only to hear the words you spoke
You pulled me and pulled me
I gave me you took me
Till my heart said ok you win I’ll stay
But you left, you didn’t stay
You only wanted to see how little it took to take my breathe away
In truth it takes much more to take my heart away
But with each betrayal she gets buried and buried
because we say our goodbyes to something dead when it’s buried
once it’s gone, we move on, find a new way to live
But, under pain is buried what allowed you to live.
So you scramble ever forward, alone in the dark
Somehow it’s better being kept in the dark
Because the truth is darkness deeper than black
Like a thousand colours squeezed together so tight they turn black.
I have no more colour
I’m not black, but I’m grey
no more colour
I am fading away
But the funny thing about darkness and light
is that even in darkness we always see light
Close your eyes, spark spark spark
you want the dark, but spark. spark. spark.
Light will shine through even the smallest of cracks.
Something’s not broken if it falls and it cracks
When something shatters, you choose to give up or to keep it
Sometimes the price is too high to take it or leave it.
Each shattered piece of an old tale tells a new story
A new beginning, a new end makes the last story his-tory.
You will never create what was once lost
But different does not mean that all hope is lost.
Each time you put it back together again
Each time it’s stronger because its life begins again
And the story continues with its new twists and turns.
And her story continues, his-tory ended to her future she turns,
Armed with the memories of a thousand betrayals,
The desire to go back so strong its taste is betrayal.
But she had made a decision
The last time pain was not hers, but someone else’s decision.
One. quick. look. back.
But she’s not going back,
And to her future she turns.