Poetic Dan

I sit by me again offering a hand

I have all you could wish for, like living a dream


A partner that has so much love, children that understand me


Yet I continue to feel unloved and it\'s not by them


So it must be still, something that sits within me


Driving alone to pick up the kids, listening to techno beats


My tears erupted as the first lines hit, then ran a few times


Was this actually a wish or dream, I have inside


It\'s not what is rooted and was making me cry


This came from that true wish that I just wanted to die


So I will write to this dark past, to give light from the future


Now sharing in the present to help us find balance


Asking for guidance to have the ability to change


For the only thing left is to go back to go forward


Remembering that to live is a wonderful achievement


Not just to throw away or let the drugs hide the feelings again & again


Nothing feels right but everything is okay, as I sit beside me again & again


Ready to face the shadow that can not cope, knowing somehow we give others hope


Yet when it comes to our soul we haven\'t listened once, each time that pattern repeats we let it go on


For me to truly become the observer, I must let go of what has never been willing done.


Now I\'m writing to see if I can accept my own challenge, but I ask to feel no shame whatever happens.