Gary Edward Geraci

Gulf of Mexico

I keep my foe in the Gulf

And choose where to battle.

To keep at bay and engulf

With fire, bombs, and dazzle.

Sights set on my home fortress,

They’ll take the river through,

But my walls are not porous;

There is no getting through.


Truth be told, get them early,

Allow not one advance.

Though they’re soft, they are surly,

Surely keep your distance.

Stealth and cover to confuse,

Avoiding all detection,

Lustful beauty bare and loose,

Seeking your defection.


Each work for the same master,

A horrid beast of hate.

To come close, a disaster,

Make no mistake: your fate!

Prayer and purity: your win.

Deal not, protect your soul,

This devil is best kept in

The Gulf of Mexico.


Gary Edward Geraci