

The food goes out to feed the birds

And down they come to eat their fill

Squawking and fighting as they will

Until the seed does fill their bill


We don’t mind who comes in to eat

As they all have this hungry need

So to our garden they come to feed

And spread and demolish all the seed


But recently things have changed

As to our garden have flown white doves

A bird that many people come to love

For the sign of peace it so does prove


But why are they coming to eat with us

When they should feed at their dovecote home

Although they fly and are free to roam

They should stay away from our wild bird dome


We chase them off when they come down

But off they fly into the air

And fly around ‘til we’re not there

And then come back without a care


To make things worse last night a Church

As the Service was in full swing

Preacher gave us all something

And one was a card with a dove on wing.