Tune: Quebec
(\'Jesu, thou joy of loving hearts\')
James 5 v.13 - 18 part
Take faith to pray in all seasons
Whate\'er the need, whate\'er reasons
Pray in affliction, and in joy
Sing cheerfully and psalms employ
Pray for the sick, for spiritual
Sickness, or for the physical
Or for the needs of human soul
Minds, wills, emotions, too made whole
Confess your faults to each other
Trusting Christian sister, brother
Pray for each other, so you shall
Be forgiven, and shall do well
The effective, the fervent prayer
Of a righteous man anywhere
It avails much, is powerful
Able to meet human needs all
See Elijah, a righteous man
Yet we like him may pray, we can
[He] Prayed that in judgement rain would cease
Then after that clouds rain release
Persisted on three and half years
Rain on the land it not appears
Then he again did pray, and so
Showers of blessing they did know