Philip Daniel Cook

How To On Deference

Life\'s tantalizing secrets.

Hope is a great word for

all of it\'s mysteries.


Not revealed for best kept

rainy days.


How she loved Mary Scott

and drew for her

livid harps.


Never did she stay

the same, nor did

she wish this.

And easy it became.


So she drew from this,

and so do all woman.

That it is not manipulating

it is essence, or energy.


Edgar Allan Poe

is a doctor or saint.

He crafts words

as he crafts beliefs.


He is a doctor of science,

and a madman of faiths.


She learns of all the galling 

games, and of horses

that will win the Bell prim.


He has a tray for white doves.

And blood for the pigeons.

But never shows his hand is lousy.

That is the same to most.