My coming out

My coming out

was less of a parade

and more of a panic attack.

I would often wonder

when I should come out

or if I should


stay in.


But in the end

there was nothing

no reason

no joy in 


staying in.


I came out in the morning,

my family could all read the papers I had left them

and I went to bed nervous

or giddy.

I didn\'t want to know which.


The next morning was fine.

I knew it would take

some time for them to 

really process it.


For them to call me they.


So I waited. 

I waited.

I waited.


Now I\'m still she,

still straight,

a year later they refuse to

call me ace.


\"You\'re too young\" or

\"You don\'t know what you are\"


Yes I do, I\'m too young.


Today I  corrected my dad

on someone else\'s pronouns.

He said he\'s \"not doing that\"


And that\'s how I know,

I\'ll always just

Be cis,

be straight,

I\'ll always just be