Tune: Tallis\' Evening Hymn
(\'All praise to thee, my God this night\')
Psalm 95 v.7-11
Today if you will hear God\'s voice
Come to Him and make Him your choice
Harden not your heart, as day when
Of old, they did provoke Him then
And too in day of temptation
They then did hearken to Him none
In wilderness journeys there they
Did try Him, test Him, in the way
They sought to prove Him, His work see
But did not live in harmony
Forty years long He was sure grieved
With them, for they not true believed
It was a generation such
A people who in heart erred much
And had not the Lord God\'s way known
An example not to condone
To them the Lord did sware they not
Enter into His rest, their lot
Was to experience His wrath
Their days were consumed as by moth
So help us Lord, to learn, to hear
Your voice, be as your sheep loved dear
Cast us not off, for mercies sake
Good Shepherd, us as your sheep take