Gary Edward Geraci

First Century of the Third Millennium

I live with many people of color

My wife is a woman of color

My neighbors are neighbors of color

I believe I’m a man of color too


I mean there’s some color

To my skin when I look at it

Here are all these people of color

Living together in America


Yes in 21st century America

From what I can tell we’re all

Doing pretty good we’re all

Free we’re all prosperous in


Liberty each in his or her own way

In the beginning God selected a

People of color to save the world

One color but not my color


That’s OK I trust that He

Knows what He’s doing

It just wouldn’t seem right

After all to call out the Creator


Of the human race for choosing

One color over another color

For choosing a Chosen People

People whom would bring forth a


Savior our Savior a Savior for

People of all colors and so I go to

Church and worship my Creator with

People of many colors many colors.