
Male Participation in the Creation of Life

dear old dad

i feel so terribly bad

that you never got to be my dad

you never wiped my tears

or soothed my fears

you missed all the years

all those months that built me

feel like cuts against me


dear old dad

i wish i wasn’t so mad

for sometimes i blamed myself

because i pushed you away, dad

but are you really my dad?

if you were to pass me by

i wouldn’t need to cry

i would be nothing

i would feel no such thing

for you, my dear old dad

are not my dad and never were


for if you were

you and i would cry

happy tears for all those years



but dear old dad, that’s not the case

for you have yet to face

the fact that you are not a dad

not to me, not to her, not to him

not to anyone.

you are nothing

no such thing.


but dear old dad, pretend

pretend i am your daughter

i will continue to slaughter

this cruel life we know

for it is much more than a show

not that you would know


for you, my dear old dad never made it past the first act.