dusk arising



boris boris show us ya legs
show us ya legs
show us ya legs
boris boris show us ya legs
a yard above the knee
theresa gave up trying cos
each deal she had just failed
corbyn offers who knows what
maybe his boat has sailed
will lib dems get the ladies vote
jo swintons got it nailed
but farage offers everything
this time wont be de-railed

so boris boris show us ya legs
a yard above the knee
October promises no deal
to sink the City\'s hopes
will we all look back at this
and call all tories dopes
Ted Heath\'s turning in his grave
it\'s like a flippin soap
boris are your promises
another bloody hoax

oh boris boris show us ya legs
a yard above the knee
will you keep that backstop thing
or use technology
nobody wants a troubled time
across the irish sea
you MPs couldnt organise
a chimpanzee party
if we had no end game planned
why pass article fifty

so boris boris show us ya legs
whilst you can still walk !!!