Aa Harvey





Art is more than a three letter word.

It began with the word, art is life.

It has a spirit of its own;

Some think they cannot hear the zeitgeist,

But you do not even have to listen,

To hear the philosophers speaking,

To understand the reason;

To genuflect to all their thinking.



Poetry is more than a six letter word.

It is soulful and meaningful and so full of nerves.

Emotions move mountains,

Fear leads to the darkside.

There is joy and laughter, patience and pride.



The voice of a nation is writing her book;

The world is out there for you,

If only you would look.

Do not hide away from the gifts you are given.

They belong to you; they are from a place of Eden.



All men, women and children

And the billions more who came before,

Have led to this very moment in time…

Take a bow and shine…

Await the applause…



(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.