Poetic Dan


I feel tired but I\'m never going to fall,
As the rumble from the thunder reached down low


It showed me that I know how to clean house, leave no spirit of others so you can resonate yourself


I have the power and right to believe whatever I want, a work of fiction or not, it\'s ours to create on the spot.


I\'m never saying I don\'t have any negative thoughts, they now just get thrown right out the door.


If you think I cut communication for bad thoughts, you\'ll need to take a second shoot.


The only entities I choose to remain, don\'t mess with the few of me inside my brain.


We take responsibility for our own life, no vengeance or violence comes to mind.


You can\'t trample me within the fear, as eventually all things will disappear.


I am here to be all that I am, following no others plan.


We are all just a \"who\" wondering over this land


With it written from the stars, right into our hand


To be everything that this living organism can