
Exquisite Taste

I have exquisite taste,

Like a steak dinner with mashed potatoes and asparagus,

Like a good boy from the church or one who grew up with privilege,

But once in a while, I want a cheeseburger,

Like a bad boy from the rough parts of town who only taste exquisite,

Momma won\'t like it and Papa will hate him,

But I\'ll like him,

The way he feels, the way he loves, the way he smells,

But I won\'t get close to him,

I\'ll hurt you so you can\'t hurt me,

I have exquisite taste,

I don\'t need you,

I can do better,

But I want you,

I want your mouth on mine and your hands on my spine,

And I won\'t notice your dimples when you laugh,

Or how when you\'re upset you drift off and become sarcastic,

I foreshore won\'t notice when you stare at me when you think I\'m not paying attention,

I will ignore you when you tell jokes about your friends and how stupid but awesome they are,

I won\'t listen when you talk about why you\'re so fucked up although I\'m glad your dad was arrested,

And when you say \"I love you\" I\'ll say too bad,

Because I have exquisite taste.