Poetic Dan

Fear of love & criticism

I wish to share with others the things I have learned


Yet dealing with the judgement can leave you hurt


Even if all parties involved are trying their best


It is a constant battle with the human intellect


Letting go of our fear, of not being, shown or giving love


Yet we all are, in our own unique way, within everything we do


As this is all mine that I feel and yours is yours to own too


Each given this gift to interact with the universe


I hold no judgement against all life trying to understand it


All I ask is when you see mine you try to clear your mind


As we do this journey together and respect we don\'t know it all


Everything and nothing can always happen, it\'s down to us to listen


By protecting one thing, others will get hurt


Take a rose or any other flower, do other plants get to grow with it or do you choose what joins in around it. If you leave your garden to be a garden, with no control. It will become a jungle, nature will always take over.


I have pulled out the last of my unwanted growth, now I can breathe in my own optimistic view, walk in my own positive shoes.


Knowing love is all I give, show and do. What you see is all up to you.


This movie of life is one amazing ride, if you listen to the music of our sorrows and joy. The beauty and magic of nature will fill you with pride that money will never buy.