Aa Harvey

Speak to me

Speak to me.



Your accent brings a smile to my face.

You make the words more beautiful.

I could happily listen to you talk about anything

And I would be amazed at the language you speak,

As it appears to be tangible.



I want to pluck your words from the air before they drift away.

I want to lift you up from any despair;

No harm should ever be sent your way.

I want to save you.

I will try to amaze you by telling you my truth;

I dream about you.

Well, not exactly you; just the image I have formed,

Of the ideal woman.  She stands out from the norm,

For she is rather extraordinary.

I hope you are her; I have been waiting patiently,

For love to find me; I’m oh so ready to embrace love.

Are you made for me?  Because I am love in human form.



If I were to become yours, would you want to be adored?

And cherished and kissed and merry and picked

Ahead of all others?

My chosen, let’s watch Frozen,

So I can hear the voice of an angel.

I have no need to change the channel.



(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.