
Guiding Grace

Tune: Deus Tuorum Militum

(\'Awake, awake, fling off the night\')


Help us Lord still to know your ways

And follow you through all our days

To know your will, what best shall be

And what be most profit here see


What shall be fruitful, productive

That tends to life, helps others live

More in your way, brings you glory

Living for you, expressions free


Where we stuck in old ways, so guide

That we do in new ways confide

So find the path ahead, change may

Enlighten methods dull and grey


Give wisdom which we need always

To heed, listen, good advice pays

And benefits us, worldly-wise

We would not be, it a false guise


You e\'er the light, you will direct

Us in your paths with no deflect

Clearly each step ahead us show

So we your purposes shall know


And too through daily life, each page

Whate\'er be our spiritual age

We grow in Christ through every thing

Hearts loving, humble to Him sing