
Peace With God

Tune: Melcombe

(\'New every morning is the love\')

Romans 5 v.1-2


I true believe in Christ the Son

Work of salvation He has done

Upon the cross He died for me

That I from all my sins be free


And so by faith we justified

Who all in Christ believe, confide

And thus have peace with God, \'tis through

Jesus the Son, for me and you


By Jesus too we have access

By faith into God\'s grace no less

And stand herein, in hope rejoice

To share His glory, we His choice


Come to me, Spirit, where heart be

Selfish, do search, that willingly

I turn from my will unto you

And do what you desire anew


I cannot my good works now bring

To you that they me save, nothing

Shall avail save Christ\'s death for me

Risen with Him I redeemed be


No punishment, no purgatory

Of self, no use shall it be see

Fro Christ does save, and He alone

My place takes, does for me atone