
this might hurt a little

i’ve never felt this before
the day my heart breaks will be the day he grows bore
his eyes are soft melted honey that i never want to see leak
his complete loyalty and vulnerability is all i seek

his smile shows the purest happiness that you’ll ever see
he has locked my heart up in his hand and swallowed the key

his shoulders are beautifully built
his hands are just the right texture
he’s mean and sweet and that’s just the right mixture

his nose has all the right curves
his lips are always soft and warm
he’s the best honey and all the bees swarm
but i’m the only bee that tastes him

it honestly hurts to think of a future without him
i know i will never NEED anyone
but i’ve never wanted somebody so bad

i lay in my bed wanting to be curled up in his arms
i can’t wait for the days to come when our kids will replace our morning phone alarms

he makes me see future and family
i didn’t see myself with kids i just wanted a puppy
i could love this man for the rest of my life
i hope to be his best friend forever and his wife