Ronald Watson


(0ne two three)

This is me

Dancing a

Waltz (two) with

Too many

Faults (two). The

Lady I\'m

Holding is

Doing her

Best (two) to

Fathom my

Movements; she

Knows how to

Dance but ex-

pects me to

Guide her a-

round the dance

Floor; (two) there\'s

Really no

Chance.(two) We

Try to con-

verse but this

Makes things much

Worse and I

Wisely sug-

gest that it\'s


Best if we

Admit de-

feat and go

Back to our

Seat and watch

Those who can

Do it en-

joy this un-


Act, designed

For folk with

Three (two three)

Left (two three)

Feet (two three).