Poetic Dan

Shard of a shard

From a speck to a shard, smashed into judgement by lifes path


Held by my older sister at the top of the stairs, not knowing why the voices have to be so scary and hands have to be heavy


Slowly each piece got its own mind, dissecting every person to see what they are capable of.


This view became my shield, I\'m the judge and executioner. No one is ever going to break my reality again, I\'ll see all the negative coming my way.


Then came the first collision, not from someone else but from me. I was stepping on a path I placed other people on, my own voice scared me and I was losing control of my actions.


As I sat with this shard of a shard, asking who we really are. It took me back to where the first crack appeared, saying each one is a river that needed to appear.


As my journey has gone on, more have been found. At the darkest of moments they would remove my fear, whispering you\'ve got this in my ear.


The very latest one said now you don\'t have to look, be the ocean and each part will come to you. Life has been a ride to find out what judgement was, you have felt and been \"it\" seeing both sides of the coin.


At the centre of balance all becomes one, we are all shards just doing our part. Together the bigger picture can only be seen by Mars, when we finally give our children no violence, degrading unstable homes.


Whatever life is out there, will then probably say hello. Until then I\'ll just keep shining out, forgiving and doing all things I am.


As my own speck of a shard, with every song I\'ve listened too helping pump the blood from my heart. Giving back every word and every thought, looking out to the day we all gain our own control.


Letting go of who we are and knowing from the soul, everything matters and nothing ever goes wrong or right. It\'s all just an expression of life.