Michael Edwards








With simple additions to the human plan

you could soon enhance the performance of man

and to prove this I give some suggestions below.

Radical?  Yes. But here we go:


To see behind as well as ahead

an eye would be good in the back of the head

and in the event of a shortage disaster

egg whisks for arms would help you work faster.


Rotate an ear so it faces behind

for all round hearing and peace of mind

and turn the nose up or move it down south,

it’s not very nice just above the mouth.


Other ideas that come to mind

and would certainly benefit all mankind:

feet that can turn 360 degrees

coupled, of course with rotating knees


And as you get older why not add a

remote control for the leaking bladder,

and  here’s an idea to save on the washing:

self-cleaning buttocks would be a real blessing.