Gary Edward Geraci

Chances Are


Chasmic dagger thrust, this “no fault divorce.”

After we tried it first, sharing home and bed,

The day did arrive: we were civilly wed.

Chasmic dagger thrust, this “no fault divorce.”


After we tried it first, sharing home and bed,

We raised dogs and cats but had no children,

Taking the pill: chances are one in a million,

After we tried it first, sharing home and bed.


We raised dogs and cats but had no children,

Though Catholic, we found a welcoming church:

Cool with the times - didn’t knock us from our perch,

We raised dogs and cats but had no children.


Though Catholic, we found a welcoming church,

Went to all the parties, were seen around town,

Even hooked up when the other wasn’t around.

Though Catholic, we found a welcoming church.


Went to all the parties, were seen around town,

One day you tired of me and tried to start fresh,

A man with court papers served me flesh to flesh.

Went to all the parties, were seen around town.


Chasmic dagger thrust, this “no fault divorce.”

After we tried it first, sharing home and bed,

The day did arrive: we were civilly wed.

Chasmic dagger thrust, this “no fault divorce.”


-Gary Edward Geraci