
Vanishing Normalcy


Craving normalcy, a life of concord

Space for reflection, time for soaking

Quotidian pleasures, as in cuddling breezes

Waves lapping on sands of innocence


Eschewing virtual lives drilled by mini gods

Cards, bills, images, floods of data, tsunamis of stats

Credit scores, debts, numbers expunging quality

Turning us numerical, digital, simulated, re-fabricated


To touch you, sans scheming, bereft of calculating

Let our hearts speak, from the cradles of our voices

Knowing no shrouds will erase, the certainty of feeling

Sentiments unadulterated, touches felt, not illusory


Shopping for food, not waxed eyesores, reflecting our faces

Haggling with humans, no tellers, no clicking registers

Laughing as we buy, them chuckling as they sell

Onions smelling such, not as Monsanto doth peddle




Ah! touches that guide ecstasies down the spine

Not down telephone or tablet lines

Eyes ‘n hearts beckon nature’s blessings, flowers unpretending

Seeing the real you, not one they mold, into a lump of nothing



Kisses begetting needed tumult, exciting hearts
Numbed by tedious messages, subliminally guzzled
Drowning us in needless muddles, when love calls
To a blissful harmony, that only truth can deliver


Shutting our ears to the noises outside
Opening our hearts to the melodies inside
So love can conquer, qualms of no import
When love prevails, mountains will yield


Let reality merge us in love, in soul, in essence
As one, blended to eternal fusion
Eternity awaits, infinity beckons, reality calls
As we meet them, head on with our beings


As they recreate our reality
Let’s build our certainty
Where Love shall reign, ‘n truth won’t deign
Let’s hold hands, walk to the open


Where freedom’s real ‘n serfdom’s frozen



© Alwi Shatry, All Rights Reserved, 27 July, 2019