
Totally Trusting

Tune: St Michael

(\'The Lord is risen indeed\')

Psalm 146 v.1-6


Praise, praise the LORD my soul

Wit songs Him true extol

While I live I will the LORD praise

To Him my worship raise


While I still have being

I will to Him true sing

Put not your trust in humankind

Salvation none there find


For he (she) does breathe his (her) last

Then his (her) short life is past

As grass he (she) is, and his (her) glory

As flowers that fade, see


Happy they be for sure

Who the LORD\'s help e\'emore

Have, and the LORD God their help be

Now and eternally


He made heaven, earth, sea

And all that therein be

He the truth for ever does keep

Trust in Him, you His sheep