the shots ring out against the church bells
the shots ring out against a child\'s laugh
the shots ring out and they do not stop ringing
the shots ring out and they do not stop ringing
the shots ring out and outrage is heard
the shots ring out and tears flow freely
the shots ring out and blood flows freely
the shots ring out and they ring freely
the shots ring out and excuses are conjured
the shots ring out and illusionists speak
the shots ring out and mental illness is blamed
the shots ring out and none take responsibility
the shots ring out and the NRA scrambles together
the shots ring out and cunning Fox weaves a narrative
the shots ring out and outrage is heard
the shots ring out and no action is seen
the shots ring out and burrow into our skull
the shots ring out and burn into our eyes
the shots ring out and imprint into our memories
the shots ring out only to be forgotten
the shots ring out only to be forgotten
the shots ring out until the return
the shots ring out in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas, and Gilroy, California, and in the past and in the future and in yesterday and in tomorrow
the shots ring out forever