
Kew Gardens

I walked through the Botanical gardens at Kew,

Nature all around me was at the height of its beauty on display,

Captivated I was by the foliage, fauna, flowers and plants all around me,

The sun beamed brilliantly upon the botanical world and its splendid colourful array.

Through treetops I walked high up in the sky,

I breathed in the fresh atmosphere and Kew air,

In the sweltering greenhouse I was transported to the floral and green continents of the world.

Sweating profusely, I was enveloped in this hypnotic intoxicating affair.

Around the green botanical gardens at Kew I discovered heaven,

The natural world around here an incredible sight to behold,

A green pleasure palace for everyone green fingered or not,

Nature is a journey before you waiting to unfold.