

Just like the joker I hide myself behind a mask,

Before they start to question gotta be the funniest in class,

Fix my depression with a laugh,

Disguise the voices in my mind turning me into a psychopath,

Just smile and let them know I’m okay,

I didn’t contemplate taking my life earlier today,

Not possible, no way!

I’m as happy as Robin Williams, that’s so crazy for you to say.

I love my self, I love my body,

I really didn’t pick up cutting as a hobby,

Just play it off as I start building up my wall,

They be terrified if it ever started to fall,

The things they’d see would scar them for life,

Just to hear the voices would be enough to suffice,

Or to see that I turned my body to an art project,

My pretty little mural that is actually a wreck,

So I’ll just paint a perfect little smile and plaster it on my face,

Stay drowning in depression, I guess somethings will never change...