
Stable Steps

Tune: Laos Deo

(\'Bright the vision that delighted\')

Joshua Chapters 3 & 4 parts


People nearing to the [River] Jordan*

(*For to enter the Promised Land)

How they get across, each one?

\'Tis by the Lord\'s doing, He would

Part the river, so each could


Could go through river on dry ground

Literal steps of faith found

When priests feet the flooded banks broached

They receded when feet touched


Touched the edge of waters, and then

Passed over dry ground, them en

And the women and the children

They saw God\'s wonders again


When all safely they were passed o\'er

Over on to Israel\'s shore

When priests feet did the dry ground leave

River-bed it did receive


Received again its water flow

Return to its flood did know

Stones of memorial there set

They saw the Lord\'s good hand yet


Shall we go, shall we dare venture?

Lord, afresh faith in us stir

On you focus, take a step new

Give us strength your will to do


So by your grace and providing

You to Promised Land us bring

May we there abide, be fruitful

Serve you for your glory all