Kurt Philip Behm

Final Message (+2)

Death courting life…

inextricably entwined


Most star crossed of lovers

their hatred of time


Death courting life…

new beginning at the end


Last promise to make

—final message to send


(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2019)



Our Future Imperiled


The Genie is now out of the bottle,

and referred to as ‘The Net’


Where hackers are countries unto themselves,

empowered worldwide—great threats


Able to intrude and disrupt at will,

weaving a new kind of hell


With privacy raped and freedom attacked

—barraged, our future imperiled


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)



Palette Free


Musical and painted phrases,

dance around my memory


Reds and Blues and vivid Gold’s,

rush across my bridge of dreams


Colors streak into the sky,

their song a magic portrait


Clouds chanting in vibrant hues

—as the light sings palette free


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)