
Unconscious Cargo

I unfasten the insight that kept me awake,
And freed the demons shaking under my quake.
No longer will my eyes refused to shut,
For the vivid dreams unconsciously met.
Stained clear on the face of it odd mind,
Like a glass window wrapped broken in time.

Airing me loose in the truth I unwind,
But drying up blood quick in lies,
Severing the heads that kept me tied.
Bound mercifully at the hands of loyal and kind,
And dragged until eyes lay peacefully unkind.

Screaming behind the irises brown,
Tossing and turning at the through of the sounds.
Begging to be heard no matter the cost,
For the words unheard & possibly lost.
Shaken unbound in the targets of foe, 
No longer will my mind carry them as cargo. - Wolf10