dusk arising

be able to enter


And there came forth a saviour to the land
who walked among men
and into their places of worship
where he learned of the worship
of a powerful and omnipotent god
according to the readings from THE book.
Whereapon he asked \"do you believe\"
and all around answered \"Yes we are believers\"
Then he led the thousands of believers
to a hurruicane damaged city where
he set them to work repairing their god\'s damage
\"Worry ye not of your homes and valuables
whilst you are away from them. For I have
had them sold and the proceeds will feed
the famine struck and homeless so that ye
shall be able to enter the kingdom of heaven\"
And the gathered thousands worshipped him
crying out \"Thank you, for we KNEW NOT how
to sell our valuables and houses to feed and
clothe the needy....   we were only paying
lip service and being righteous and selfishly greedy.
We did not realise we should actually have to
DO what it takes to be a REAL christian,
we were LIARS to ourselves and all around us\".

alternative title:-
\"How to avoid the inconvenient eye of a needle\".