dusk arising

the Jesus within

suddenly it was there
oh shit what\'s happening
searing pain inside me like
something was expanding
and tearing inside my chest
aaaaaaahhhhhrrr i cried out
screaming in my head
draw breath no...  too painful
aaaahhhh i want that scream
i cant inhale to scream
even more painful to inhale
i\'m panting now
suddenly a hand takes mine
a stranger from another bed
\"say this with me\" He tells me,
and rhythmically he says
\"Jesus, make the pain go AWAY\"
I reapeat with him mumbling
\"Jesus, make the pain go AWAY\"
the pain is terrible
the comfort is amazing
someone is sharing my pain
amazing how this contact lifts
\"Jesus, make the pain go AWAY\"
never experienced pain like this
\"Jesus, make the pain go AWAY\"
I\'m feebly mumbling the words
and yes, eventually the pain subsides
and i am at peace again.
The man returns to his bed.

That day I met the Jesus
in that kind man\'s soul.