
Time? What Time?

There’s just not enough time!

Up at dawn, or before,

Doing the things I need to do,

Or doing the things I want to do.

Can’t fit it all in,

Things come to mind

That need doing,

Then words like these come

And I have to write.

Always writing,

Always writing in the morning,

Occasionally in the evening.

But when lunch time comes

I need to stop,

Lunch calls,

Then rest calls,

As my life stops in the afternoons.

That time when I just sit,

Sit and read,

Listen to music,

And fall into my dream world

Where relaxation is to the fore,

Until that time when dinner calls.

And into the kitchen I go

Cook my meal,

Eat it,

And then I am awake again,

Ready to write words,

Read the words of others.

Then it’s time for bed!

What happened to the day?

It just went in a moment!