
Hallelujah medical coverage reinstated!

Prior to the morning

of August 15th, 2019

this joker riddled and

judiciously hollerith,

punched with anxiety

approximately couple weeks earlier

prophetic notification

courtesy public assistance office

Norristown, Pennsylvania

wrought psyche asunder

worse news than plagued

with most pernicious disease

slack jawed rendered me

speechless, and breathless

jobless since...forever

debilitating social anxiety,

plus disabling panic attacks,

an unprovable conjecture

neurological behavioral malady

possibly evident in utero,

if fetal ultrasounds widespread

or hollow needle inserted

into the uterus

sampling amniotic fluid

luck of the draw

ex post facto

accentuated, kickstarted,


extreme tightly coiled tension

evident when ambulatory

evinced frequent rigidity

regarding physical movement

whereby boyhood self

tumbled down stairs

(this based on

anecdotal information),

yet earliest physiological

recollections bring to mind

never feeling relaxed poise

most always stiff movements

affected bodily actions

only as young adult

after experiencing

prolonged social withdrawal

friendlessness, emotional

detachment among family of origin

crippling bouts of

vertigo, racing heart

profuse perspiration

nausea... ad nauseum

eligibility qualified me

to receive social security disability

a congenital trait, I loathe

now more than ever

yes, blessedly grateful

to receive Medicare,

which status evaluated every year

mainly predicated on

increased finances, a

greater chance,

I get struck by lightning

versus garnering monetary windfall.