
Worry-free Way - Peace Series (2)

Tune: Morning Hymn

(\'Awake my soul, and with the sun\')

Matthew 6 v.25-34


Forgive us, Lord, where we worry

And not by faith your good hand see

Help us to trust along each day

That you will provide, show the way


So may we not worry or fret

Tomorrow has not appeared yet

Worry not about food, drink, clothes

You all our every need do know


In anxious care \'tis as if so

There no God to help us below

On earth, or else \'tis that He cares

Not, nor in our needs He not shares


So we feel we must care for self

And prosper too our own soul\'s health

Forgetting birds, that God does feed

Our heavenly Father we not heed


And too we forget lilies there

One of which it does greater fare

Than Solomon in his glory

Each flower made by God it be


So He will care for us, provide

We can fully in Him confide

Tend to today\'s matter and when

Tomorrow comes, trust Him still then