Wow, she\'s beautiful.
And I just want to tell her she\'s beautiful.
Beauty is what the sum of my eyes, the space in between us, and she is equal to.
I\'ve never seen her before,
I may never see her again,
I\'d like to see her some more even just as a friend.
Maybe more in time.
But for now, how about bridging the gap with a \"Hi\"
The thought looked both ways before it crossed my mind,
Careful now we don\'t want to get run down.
Maybe I will give her a \"Hi\"
Maybe she\'ll give me one back,
Maybe our \"Hi\'s\" can give birth to a little chit chat?
Or maybe not.
Like a priceless painting not for sale,
To be admired not acquired.
Plus I\'m shy as well,
So there\'s that.
It Is What It Is.