

It’s hard living here,

How have you befriended depression and fear?

I ask her when she pushes me away and I feel I’m no longer near,

Less so in distance but metaphorically, yet I still shed a tear

On her behalf because she can’t cry anymore, neither can she cheer.


She’s the vessel that goes to sleep at night,

Yet she carries my annoyance in her head like a light

That will not go off. She struggles with the sights,

And I’ve seen them before, but they strangle me so tight

I want to move on and help her, tell her there is more to life and your future is bright,

But I\'m running out of fight.


I don’t like to blame her but she creates a whirlwind of darkness in this mind,

She fell into the same traps continuously as if she were blind,

She refused to let the sunshine in and closed the curtains on it, I mean blinds,

See the more I live here the more I get confused in her mind.


It’s hard living here trying not to live a life of sin,

And she’s done bad things,

But still won’t give in,

Not anymore at least, for she knows happiness can come from within,

So I guide her through the thick and thin,

But she often still opens the door to the two noisy neighbours,

Fear and depression.