Fay Slimm.

Such and When.



Such and When.


Such a morning when sun warms the puddles
for sparrows to bathe.
When rabbits in early ablutions raise fluffy
paws with cautious flair.
Such a whisper as dew-bent meadow grass
stiffens to upright again.
When leaves shiver in autumnal colour as
easterly ruffles gold hair.


Such lucid dawn calm misting walled water as
harboured boats chafe .
When kettles on hobs whistle duets with sizzle
of frying-pan fare.
When laggards leave beds for breakfast aroma
yet leaving it late.
Such cladding with oil-skins for battling oceans
to catch silver share.


Such village kerfuffle as dawn crosses cobbles
with work in its wake.
When ladish the laughter as fishing nets tangle
how blessed such a day.